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Word: sleep

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There are a total of 39 results.

Word results: vt.
Invest with body :: Digest sleep (1481){"fulldate": "1481", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_0", "starting_time": 1481, "starting_ac": ""}]} n.
The body :: Excretions from eye sleep (1905–){"fulldate": "1905–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_2", "starting_time": 1905, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.02.05|01 n.
Death :: state/condition of sleep < slæp (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_4", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.02.05|04 vi.
Die :: be dead sleep < slæpan (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_6", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.06.05|03 vi.
Age/be defined by cyclical growth periods :: be open or closed/inactive sleep (1797–){"fulldate": "1797–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_8", "starting_time": 1797, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.06.05|09 n.
By age/cycles :: condition of being closed for night sleep (1757–){"fulldate": "1757–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_10", "starting_time": 1757, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|02 vi.
Affect the senses :: Become physically insensible :: of limbs: by pressure sleep < slæpan (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_12", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|06.02 n.
Ability to be perceived by senses :: Physical insensibility :: state of being rendered physically insensible :: caused by pressure sleep (1859–){"fulldate": "1859–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_14", "starting_time": 1859, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} n.
Sleeping and waking :: Sleep sleep < slæp (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_16", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} vi.
Sleep sleep < (ge)slæpan (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_18", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} v. refl.
Sleep sleep (1888){"fulldate": "1888", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_20", "starting_time": 1888, "starting_ac": ""}]} vt.
Sleep sleep < (ge)slæpan (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_22", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 vi.
Go to bed/retire to rest :: of a bed/mattress: be slept on sleep (1942–){"fulldate": "1942–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_24", "starting_time": 1942, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|02 vt.
Sleep :: for a period of time sleep (1613–1721){"fulldate": "1613–1721", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_26", "starting_time": 1613, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1721, "ending_ac": ""}]}|04 vi.
Sleep :: rest catch rest/sleep (c1325–1513 + 1848–){"fulldate": "c1325–1513 + 1848–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_28", "starting_time": 1325, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 1513, "ending_ac": ""},{"id": "timelineRow_29", "starting_time": 1848, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|06 vt.
Sleep :: put to/cause to sleep sleep (1815–1923){"fulldate": "1815–1923", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_32", "starting_time": 1815, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1923, "ending_ac": ""}]}|07 vt.
Sleep :: achieve a specific purpose by sleeping sleep (1481){"fulldate": "1481", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_34", "starting_time": 1481, "starting_ac": ""}]}|08 n.
Sleeping and waking :: Sleep :: an instance/period of sleep (c1200–){"fulldate": "c1200–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_36", "starting_time": 1200, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|08 vt.
Sleep :: provide with sleeping accommodation sleep (1848–){"fulldate": "1848–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_38", "starting_time": 1848, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|20 n.
Sleeping and waking :: Sleep :: effects/signs of sleep sleep (1864){"fulldate": "1864", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_40", "starting_time": 1864, "starting_ac": ""}]}|25 n.
Sleeping and waking :: Sleep :: sleep personified sleep (1390–){"fulldate": "1390–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_42", "starting_time": 1390, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 n.
Sexual relations :: Sexual intercourse :: an act of sleep (1612){"fulldate": "1612", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_44", "starting_time": 1612, "starting_ac": ""}]}

01.13.01|03.01 vt.
Spend time/allow time to pass :: in some activity :: in sleep/dreaming sleep (1613–1721){"fulldate": "1613–1721", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_46", "starting_time": 1613, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1721, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 n.
Day and night :: Night :: as a division/period of time sleep (1131 + c1500–){"fulldate": "1131 + c1500–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_48", "starting_time": 1131, "starting_ac": ""},{"id": "timelineRow_49", "starting_time": 1500, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} vt.
Provide occasion/opportunity :: Delay sleep (1470–1792){"fulldate": "1470–1792", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_52", "starting_time": 1470, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1792, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05.01 vi.
Move in specific manner :: Revolve/rotate :: spin :: with such velocity that motion imperceptible sleep (1854–){"fulldate": "1854–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_54", "starting_time": 1854, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.15.09 n.
Inaction sleep < slæp (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_56", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.15.09 vi.
Be inactive sleep < slapan (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_58", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} n.
Inaction :: Quietness/tranquillity sleep (1807–){"fulldate": "1807–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_60", "starting_time": 1807, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} vi.
Be inactive :: Be quiet/tranquil sleep (1596–){"fulldate": "1596–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_62", "starting_time": 1596, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.15.09|01 vi.
Be inactive :: specifically of business, etc. sleep (1550–){"fulldate": "1550–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_64", "starting_time": 1550, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.15.09|04.01 vi.
Be inactive :: remain inactive :: as a spy/saboteur, etc. sleep (1975–){"fulldate": "1975–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_66", "starting_time": 1975, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 vt.
Manner of action :: Be slow in performing :: be backward/dilatory to do something sleep (1470–1792){"fulldate": "1470–1792", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_68", "starting_time": 1470, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1792, "ending_ac": ""}]}|03 vi.
Manner of action :: Be careless/negligent :: be careless/remiss sleep (1387–a1731){"fulldate": "1387–a1731", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_70", "starting_time": 1387, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1731, "ending_ac": "a"}]}|01 vi.
Make inquiries :: Spy, pry :: act as sleeper sleep (1975–){"fulldate": "1975–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_72", "starting_time": 1975, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

03.02.02|10 vi.
Inhabit temporarily :: sleep rough lie/sleep/live rough (1697–){"fulldate": "1697–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_74", "starting_time": 1697, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

03.02.03|13.01 vt.
Provide with dwelling :: afford accommodation to (of place) :: for sleeping sleep (1884–){"fulldate": "1884–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_76", "starting_time": 1884, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|13 n.
Punishment :: Imprisonment :: sentence/term of sleep (1911– slang, orig. US){"fulldate": "1911– slang, orig. US", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_78", "starting_time": 1911, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|04 vi.
Do business :: Run a business :: act as sleeping partner sleep (1949–){"fulldate": "1949–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_80", "starting_time": 1949, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

[{"class": "tip", "catorder": 9, "firstdate": 1481, "lastdate": 1481, "catnum": "", "catid": "25373", "label": "sleep [Digest (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Digest (vt.)]: 1481", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_1", "starting_time": -15431299200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 13, "firstdate": 1905, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "25946", "label": "sleep [Excretions from eye (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Excretions from eye (n.)]: 1905–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_3", "starting_time": -2051222400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.02.05|01", "catid": "15413", "label": "sleep < slæp [Death :: state/condition of (n.)]", "popup": "sleep < slæp [Death :: state/condition of (n.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_5", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 5, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.02.05|04", "catid": "15491", "label": "sleep < slæpan [Die :: be dead (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep < slæpan [Die :: be dead (vi.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_7", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1797, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.06.05|03", "catid": "19142", "label": "sleep [Age/be defined by cyclical growth periods :: be open or closed/inactive (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Age/be defined by cyclical growth periods :: be open or closed/inactive (vi.)]: 1797–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_9", "starting_time": -5459270400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1757, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.06.05|09", "catid": "19115", "label": "sleep [By age/cycles :: condition of being closed for night (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [By age/cycles :: condition of being closed for night (n.)]: 1757–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_11", "starting_time": -6721574400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|02", "catid": "56807", "label": "sleep < slæpan [Become physically insensible :: of limbs: by pressure (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep < slæpan [Become physically insensible :: of limbs: by pressure (vi.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_13", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1859, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|06.02", "catid": "56782", "label": "sleep [Physical insensibility :: caused by pressure (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Physical insensibility :: caused by pressure (n.)]: 1859–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_15", "starting_time": -3502828800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "57111", "label": "sleep < slæp [Sleep (n.)]", "popup": "sleep < slæp [Sleep (n.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_17", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "57205", "label": "sleep < (ge)slæpan [Sleep (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep < (ge)slæpan [Sleep (vi.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_19", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1888, "lastdate": 1888, "catnum": "", "catid": "57246", "label": "sleep [Sleep (v. refl.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep (v. refl.)]: 1888", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_21", "starting_time": -2587680000000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "57231", "label": "sleep < (ge)slæpan [Sleep (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep < (ge)slæpan [Sleep (vt.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_23", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1942, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "57284", "label": "sleep [Go to bed/retire to rest :: of a bed/mattress: be slept on (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Go to bed/retire to rest :: of a bed/mattress: be slept on (vi.)]: 1942–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_25", "starting_time": -883612800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1613, "lastdate": 1721, "catnum": "|02", "catid": "57233", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: for a period of time (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: for a period of time (vt.)]: 1613–1721", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_27", "starting_time": -11265782400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -7857648000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1325, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|04", "catid": "57211", "label": "catch rest/sleep [Sleep :: rest (vi.)]", "popup": "catch rest/sleep [Sleep :: rest (vi.)]: c1325–1513 + 1848–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_30", "starting_time": -20354198400000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": -14421542400000, "ending_ac": ""},{"id": "timelineRow_31", "starting_time": -3849984000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 8, "firstdate": 1815, "lastdate": 1923, "catnum": "|06", "catid": "57237", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: put to/cause to sleep (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: put to/cause to sleep (vt.)]: 1815–1923", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_33", "starting_time": -4891363200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -1483228800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1481, "lastdate": 1481, "catnum": "|07", "catid": "57243", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: achieve a specific purpose by sleeping (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: achieve a specific purpose by sleeping (vt.)]: 1481", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_35", "starting_time": -15431299200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1200, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|08", "catid": "57120", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: an instance/period of (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: an instance/period of (n.)]: c1200–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_37", "starting_time": -24298876800000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1848, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|08", "catid": "57244", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: provide with sleeping accommodation (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: provide with sleeping accommodation (vt.)]: 1848–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_39", "starting_time": -3849984000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1864, "lastdate": 1864, "catnum": "|20", "catid": "57154", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: effects/signs of sleep (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: effects/signs of sleep (n.)]: 1864", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_41", "starting_time": -3345062400000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1390, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|25", "catid": "57161", "label": "sleep [Sleep :: sleep personified (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sleep :: sleep personified (n.)]: 1390–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_43", "starting_time": -18302976000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1612, "lastdate": 1612, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "57626", "label": "sleep [Sexual intercourse :: an act of (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Sexual intercourse :: an act of (n.)]: 1612", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_45", "starting_time": -11297404800000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1613, "lastdate": 1721, "catnum": "01.13.01|03.01", "catid": "87918", "label": "sleep [Spend time/allow time to pass :: in sleep/dreaming (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Spend time/allow time to pass :: in sleep/dreaming (vt.)]: 1613–1721", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_47", "starting_time": -11265782400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -7857648000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1131, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "88679", "label": "sleep [Night :: as a division/period of time (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Night :: as a division/period of time (n.)]: 1131 + c1500–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_50", "starting_time": -26476329600000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"},{"id": "timelineRow_51", "starting_time": -14831769600000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 39, "firstdate": 1470, "lastdate": 1792, "catnum": "", "catid": "89917", "label": "sleep [Delay (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Delay (vt.)]: 1470–1792", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_53", "starting_time": -15778454400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -5617123200000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1854, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05.01", "catid": "99697", "label": "sleep [Revolve/rotate :: with such velocity that motion imperceptible (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Revolve/rotate :: with such velocity that motion imperceptible (vi.)]: 1854–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_55", "starting_time": -3660595200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.15.09", "catid": "79228", "label": "sleep < slæp [Inaction (n.)]", "popup": "sleep < slæp [Inaction (n.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_57", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.15.09", "catid": "79253", "label": "sleep < slapan [Be inactive (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep < slapan [Be inactive (vi.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_59", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 27, "firstdate": 1807, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "79264", "label": "sleep [Quietness/tranquillity (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Quietness/tranquillity (n.)]: 1807–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_61", "starting_time": -5143824000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1596, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "79288", "label": "sleep [Be quiet/tranquil (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Be quiet/tranquil (vi.)]: 1596–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_63", "starting_time": -11802326400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1550, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.15.09|01", "catid": "79254", "label": "sleep [Be inactive :: specifically of business, etc. (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Be inactive :: specifically of business, etc. (vi.)]: 1550–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_65", "starting_time": -13253932800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1975, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.15.09|04.01", "catid": "79258", "label": "sleep [Be inactive :: as a spy/saboteur, etc. (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Be inactive :: as a spy/saboteur, etc. (vi.)]: 1975–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_67", "starting_time": 157766400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 1470, "lastdate": 1792, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "85104", "label": "sleep [Be slow in performing :: be backward/dilatory to do something (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Be slow in performing :: be backward/dilatory to do something (vt.)]: 1470–1792", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_69", "starting_time": -15778454400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -5617123200000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1387, "lastdate": 1731, "catnum": "|03", "catid": "85331", "label": "sleep [Be careless/negligent :: be careless/remiss (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Be careless/negligent :: be careless/remiss (vi.)]: 1387–a1731", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_71", "starting_time": -18397670400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -7542115200000, "ending_ac": "a"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1975, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "122730", "label": "sleep [Spy, pry :: act as sleeper (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Spy, pry :: act as sleeper (vi.)]: 1975–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_73", "starting_time": 157766400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1697, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "03.02.02|10", "catid": "150909", "label": "lie/sleep/live rough [Inhabit temporarily :: sleep rough (vi.)]", "popup": "lie/sleep/live rough [Inhabit temporarily :: sleep rough (vi.)]: 1697–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_75", "starting_time": -8614944000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1884, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "03.02.03|13.01", "catid": "151021", "label": "sleep [Provide with dwelling :: for sleeping (vt.)]", "popup": "sleep [Provide with dwelling :: for sleeping (vt.)]: 1884–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_77", "starting_time": -2713910400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 6, "firstdate": 1911, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|13", "catid": "165319", "label": "sleep [Imprisonment :: sentence/term of (n.)]", "popup": "sleep [Imprisonment :: sentence/term of (n.)]: 1911– slang, orig. US", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_79", "starting_time": -1861920000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1949, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|04", "catid": "198482", "label": "sleep [Run a business :: act as sleeping partner (vi.)]", "popup": "sleep [Run a business :: act as sleeping partner (vi.)]: 1949–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_81", "starting_time": -662688000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]}]