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Word: honey-dew

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There are a total of 5 results.

Word results:| n.
Invertebrates :: Subclass Pterygota :: division Exopterygota/Hemimetabola :: order Hemiptera :: suborder Homoptera :: family Aphis/member(s) of :: substance excreted honey-dew (1526–){"fulldate": "1526–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_0", "starting_time": 1526, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 n.
Food :: Honey :: nectar honey-dew (1533–){"fulldate": "1533–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_2", "starting_time": 1533, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|14 n.
Use of drugs, poison :: Tobacco :: other types of tobacco honey-dew (1843–){"fulldate": "1843–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_4", "starting_time": 1843, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|03.02 n.
Constitution of matter :: Viscosity :: viscous substance :: on trees/plants honey-dew (1526–){"fulldate": "1526–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_6", "starting_time": 1526, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|11 n.
Colour :: Yellow/yellowness :: other yellows honey-dew (1921–){"fulldate": "1921–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_8", "starting_time": 1921, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

[{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1526, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|", "catid": "31833", "label": "honey-dew [Subclass Pterygota :: substance excreted (n.)]", "popup": "honey-dew [Subclass Pterygota :: substance excreted (n.)]: 1526–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_1", "starting_time": -14011315200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 5, "firstdate": 1533, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "42668", "label": "honey-dew [Honey :: nectar (n.)]", "popup": "honey-dew [Honey :: nectar (n.)]: 1533–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_3", "starting_time": -13790390400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 1843, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|14", "catid": "58172", "label": "honey-dew [Tobacco :: other types of tobacco (n.)]", "popup": "honey-dew [Tobacco :: other types of tobacco (n.)]: 1843–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_5", "starting_time": -4007750400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1526, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|03.02", "catid": "66831", "label": "honey-dew [Viscosity :: on trees/plants (n.)]", "popup": "honey-dew [Viscosity :: on trees/plants (n.)]: 1526–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_7", "starting_time": -14011315200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 7, "firstdate": 1921, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|11", "catid": "75132", "label": "honey-dew [Yellow/yellowness :: other yellows (n.)]", "popup": "honey-dew [Yellow/yellowness :: other yellows (n.)]: 1921–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_9", "starting_time": -1546300800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]}]