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There are a total of 11 results.

Word results:|03.03 n.
Properties of materials :: Extinguishing fire :: fire-fighting :: fireman fireman (1668–){"fulldate": "1668–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_0", "starting_time": 1668, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.15.15|06.03.01 n.
Safety :: making safe :: person responsible for safety :: specific fire-man (1817–){"fulldate": "1817–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_2", "starting_time": 1817, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|11 n.
Manner of action :: Vigour/energy :: vigorous/energetic person fire-man (1709 fig.){"fulldate": "1709 fig.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_4", "starting_time": 1709, "starting_ac": ""}]}|01.01 n.
Courage :: Heroism :: hero :: man of mettle fireman (1709){"fulldate": "1709", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_6", "starting_time": 1709, "starting_ac": ""}]}|07 n.
Warrior :: Soldier by branch of army :: artilleryman fireman (1625–1817){"fulldate": "1625–1817", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_8", "starting_time": 1625, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1817, "ending_ac": ""}]}|22.01 n.
Warrior :: One who is armed :: one armed with/using firearm :: artilleryman fireman (1625–1817){"fulldate": "1625–1817", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_10", "starting_time": 1625, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1817, "ending_ac": ""}]}|08.03 n.
Rail travel :: Railway worker :: train-staff :: fireman fireman (1849–){"fulldate": "1849–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_12", "starting_time": 1849, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|15 n.
Worker :: Miner :: mine safety workers fireman (1817–){"fulldate": "1817–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_14", "starting_time": 1817, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|13 n.
Worker :: Workers with specific tools/equipment :: with ovens/furnaces fireman (1657–){"fulldate": "1657–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_16", "starting_time": 1657, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}

Category results:|08.03 n.
Rail travel :: Railway worker :: train-staff :: fireman|03.03 n.
Properties of materials :: Extinguishing fire :: fire-fighting :: fireman

[{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 1668, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|03.03", "catid": "66596", "label": "fireman [Extinguishing fire :: fireman (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Extinguishing fire :: fireman (n.)]: 1668–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_1", "starting_time": -9530179200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1817, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "01.15.15|06.03.01", "catid": "81869", "label": "fire-man [Safety :: specific (n.)]", "popup": "fire-man [Safety :: specific (n.)]: 1817–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_3", "starting_time": -4828204800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1709, "lastdate": 1709, "catnum": "|11", "catid": "84498", "label": "fire-man [Vigour/energy :: vigorous/energetic person (n.)]", "popup": "fire-man [Vigour/energy :: vigorous/energetic person (n.)]: 1709 fig.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_5", "starting_time": -8236339200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 14, "firstdate": 1709, "lastdate": 1709, "catnum": "|01.01", "catid": "133281", "label": "fireman [Heroism :: man of mettle (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Heroism :: man of mettle (n.)]: 1709", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_7", "starting_time": -8236339200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 6, "firstdate": 1625, "lastdate": 1817, "catnum": "|07", "catid": "155327", "label": "fireman [Soldier by branch of army :: artilleryman (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Soldier by branch of army :: artilleryman (n.)]: 1625–1817", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_9", "starting_time": -10887091200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -4828204800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 6, "firstdate": 1625, "lastdate": 1817, "catnum": "|22.01", "catid": "155663", "label": "fireman [One who is armed :: artilleryman (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [One who is armed :: artilleryman (n.)]: 1625–1817", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_11", "starting_time": -10887091200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -4828204800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1849, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|08.03", "catid": "192592", "label": "fireman [Railway worker :: fireman (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Railway worker :: fireman (n.)]: 1849–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_13", "starting_time": -3818361600000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1817, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|15", "catid": "200917", "label": "fireman [Miner :: mine safety workers (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Miner :: mine safety workers (n.)]: 1817–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_15", "starting_time": -4828204800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1657, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|13", "catid": "200966", "label": "fireman [Workers with specific tools/equipment :: with ovens/furnaces (n.)]", "popup": "fireman [Workers with specific tools/equipment :: with ovens/furnaces (n.)]: 1657–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_17", "starting_time": -9877248000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]}]