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Word: deadly

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There are a total of 22 results.

Word results: adj.
Source/principle of life :: Lacking life/consciousness/inanimate deadly (a1225–c1440){"fulldate": "a1225–c1440", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_0", "starting_time": 1225, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": 1440, "ending_ac": "c"}]} adv.
Source/principle of life :: Like a lifeless/inanimate object deadly (1581 + 1844 rare){"fulldate": "1581 + 1844 rare", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_2", "starting_time": 1581, "starting_ac": ""},{"id": "timelineRow_3", "starting_time": 1844, "starting_ac": ""}]} adj.
The body :: Paleness deadly (c1385–1803){"fulldate": "c1385–1803", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_6", "starting_time": 1385, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 1803, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 adj.
Death :: Dead :: dying deadly < deadlic (OE–a1616){"fulldate": "OE–a1616", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_8", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1616, "ending_ac": "a"}]}|07 adj.
Death :: Dead :: liable to death deadly < deadlic (OE–a1563 + 1839){"fulldate": "OE–a1563 + 1839", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_10", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1563, "ending_ac": "a"},{"id": "timelineRow_11", "starting_time": 1839, "starting_ac": ""}]} adj.
Death :: Lethal deadly < deadlic (OE–){"fulldate": "OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_14", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]} adv.
Death :: Lethally deadly < deadlice (OE–1816){"fulldate": "OE–1816", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_16", "starting_time": 1000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1816, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 adj.
Death :: Lethal :: of things deadly (c1380–){"fulldate": "c1380–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_18", "starting_time": 1380, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 adj.
Death :: Lethal :: of hate/enmity deadly (c1205–){"fulldate": "c1205–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_20", "starting_time": 1205, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 adv.
Death :: In manner of killing :: aiming to kill deadly (c1330–1650){"fulldate": "c1330–1650", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_22", "starting_time": 1330, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 1650, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.02.05|01 adj.
Death :: pertaining to death deadly (1470/85 + 1483){"fulldate": "1470/85 + 1483", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_24", "starting_time": 1470, "starting_ac": ""},{"id": "timelineRow_25", "starting_time": 1483, "starting_ac": ""}]}

01.02.05|01 adv.
Death :: resembling death deadly (a1300–1865){"fulldate": "a1300–1865", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_28", "starting_time": 1300, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": 1865, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.04 n.
People deadly (1590–1685){"fulldate": "1590–1685", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_30", "starting_time": 1590, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1685, "ending_ac": ""}]}

01.04.04 n.
Person deadly (c1450){"fulldate": "c1450", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_32", "starting_time": 1450, "starting_ac": "c"}]} adj.
Perceptible by the senses :: Unconscious deadly (1548–1853){"fulldate": "1548–1853", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_34", "starting_time": 1548, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 1853, "ending_ac": ""}]}|05 adj.
Pertaining to/characterized by drug-taking :: Poisonous :: having specific qualities (of poison) deadly (c1380–){"fulldate": "c1380–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_36", "starting_time": 1380, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|06 adj.
Pertaining to/concerned with quantity :: Great in degree :: very great/extreme deadly (1660– colloq.){"fulldate": "1660– colloq.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_38", "starting_time": 1660, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|07.11 adv.
In respect of quantity :: Greatly/very much :: extremely/exceedingly :: excessively deadly (1589–){"fulldate": "1589–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_40", "starting_time": 1589, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 2000, "ending_ac": ""}]}|03 adj.
Pertaining to cognition :: Precise, accurate, exact :: strict, rigorous deadly (1909){"fulldate": "1909", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_42", "starting_time": 1909, "starting_ac": ""}]}|13 adj.
Suffering mental pain :: Dejected :: gloomy/depressing deadly (a1300–1638){"fulldate": "a1300–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_44", "starting_time": 1300, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": 1638, "ending_ac": ""}]}|01 adv.
Kinds of sin :: mortal deadly (a1225–1579){"fulldate": "a1225–1579", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_46", "starting_time": 1225, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": 1579, "ending_ac": ""}]}|02 adj.
Kinds of sin :: mortal deadly (a1225–1819){"fulldate": "a1225–1819", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_48", "starting_time": 1225, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": 1819, "ending_ac": ""}]}

[{"class": "tip", "catorder": 2, "firstdate": 1225, "lastdate": 1440, "catnum": "", "catid": "8635", "label": "deadly [Lacking life/consciousness/inanimate (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Lacking life/consciousness/inanimate (adj.)]: a1225–c1440", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_1", "starting_time": -23509872000000, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": -16725225600000, "ending_ac": "c"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1581, "lastdate": 1844, "catnum": "", "catid": "8641", "label": "deadly [Like a lifeless/inanimate object (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly [Like a lifeless/inanimate object (adv.)]: 1581 + 1844 rare", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_4", "starting_time": -12275625600000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"},{"id": "timelineRow_5", "starting_time": -3976214400000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 16, "firstdate": 1385, "lastdate": 1803, "catnum": "", "catid": "24360", "label": "deadly [Paleness (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Paleness (adj.)]: c1385–1803", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_7", "starting_time": -18460742400000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": -5270054400000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 12, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 1616, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "15537", "label": "deadly < deadlic [Dead :: dying (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly < deadlic [Dead :: dying (adj.)]: OE–a1616", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_9", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -11171174400000, "ending_ac": "a"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 1839, "catnum": "|07", "catid": "15539", "label": "deadly < deadlic [Dead :: liable to death (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly < deadlic [Dead :: liable to death (adj.)]: OE–a1563 + 1839", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_12", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -12843705600000, "ending_ac": "a"},{"id": "timelineRow_13", "starting_time": -4133980800000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 11, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "", "catid": "15616", "label": "deadly < deadlic [Lethal (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly < deadlic [Lethal (adj.)]: OE–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_15", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 650, "lastdate": 1816, "catnum": "", "catid": "15625", "label": "deadly < deadlice [Lethally (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly < deadlice [Lethally (adv.)]: OE–1816", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_17", "starting_time": -27454550400000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -4859827200000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1380, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "15617", "label": "deadly [Lethal :: of things (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Lethal :: of things (adj.)]: c1380–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_19", "starting_time": -18618595200000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1205, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "15621", "label": "deadly [Lethal :: of hate/enmity (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Lethal :: of hate/enmity (adj.)]: c1205–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_21", "starting_time": -24141024000000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1330, "lastdate": 1650, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "15660", "label": "deadly [In manner of killing :: aiming to kill (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly [In manner of killing :: aiming to kill (adv.)]: c1330–1650", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_23", "starting_time": -20196432000000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": -10098172800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1470, "lastdate": 1483, "catnum": "01.02.05|01", "catid": "15457", "label": "deadly [Death :: pertaining to death (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Death :: pertaining to death (adj.)]: 1470/85 + 1483", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_26", "starting_time": -15778454400000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"},{"id": "timelineRow_27", "starting_time": -15368227200000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1300, "lastdate": 1865, "catnum": "01.02.05|01", "catid": "15480", "label": "deadly [Death :: resembling death (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly [Death :: resembling death (adv.)]: a1300–1865", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_29", "starting_time": -21143116800000, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": -3313440000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 40, "firstdate": 1590, "lastdate": 1685, "catnum": "01.04", "catid": "39622", "label": "deadly [People (n.)]", "popup": "deadly [People (n.)]: 1590–1685", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_31", "starting_time": -11991628800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -8993635200000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 34, "firstdate": 1450, "lastdate": 1450, "catnum": "01.04.04", "catid": "39722", "label": "deadly [Person (n.)]", "popup": "deadly [Person (n.)]: c1450", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_33", "starting_time": -16409606400000, "starting_ac": "c", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 1, "firstdate": 1548, "lastdate": 1853, "catnum": "", "catid": "56818", "label": "deadly [Unconscious (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Unconscious (adj.)]: 1548–1853", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_35", "starting_time": -13317091200000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": -3692131200000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 4, "firstdate": 1380, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|05", "catid": "58405", "label": "deadly [Poisonous :: having specific qualities (of poison) (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Poisonous :: having specific qualities (of poison) (adj.)]: c1380–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_37", "starting_time": -18618595200000, "starting_ac": "c", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 14, "firstdate": 1660, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|06", "catid": "110996", "label": "deadly [Great in degree :: very great/extreme (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Great in degree :: very great/extreme (adj.)]: 1660– colloq.", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_39", "starting_time": -9782640000000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 14, "firstdate": 1589, "lastdate": 9999, "catnum": "|07.11", "catid": "111034", "label": "deadly [Greatly/very much :: excessively (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly [Greatly/very much :: excessively (adv.)]: 1589–", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_41", "starting_time": -12023164800000, "starting_ac": "", "ending_time": 946684800000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 10, "firstdate": 1909, "lastdate": 1909, "catnum": "|03", "catid": "119124", "label": "deadly [Precise, accurate, exact :: strict, rigorous (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Precise, accurate, exact :: strict, rigorous (adj.)]: 1909", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_43", "starting_time": -1924992000000, "starting_ac": "", "display": "circle"}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 10, "firstdate": 1300, "lastdate": 1638, "catnum": "|13", "catid": "129687", "label": "deadly [Dejected :: gloomy/depressing (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Dejected :: gloomy/depressing (adj.)]: a1300–1638", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_45", "starting_time": -21143116800000, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": -10476864000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 0, "firstdate": 1225, "lastdate": 1579, "catnum": "|01", "catid": "175299", "label": "deadly [Kinds of sin :: mortal (adv.)]", "popup": "deadly [Kinds of sin :: mortal (adv.)]: a1225–1579", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_47", "starting_time": -23509872000000, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": -12338784000000, "ending_ac": ""}]},{"class": "tip", "catorder": 3, "firstdate": 1225, "lastdate": 1819, "catnum": "|02", "catid": "175291", "label": "deadly [Kinds of sin :: mortal (adj.)]", "popup": "deadly [Kinds of sin :: mortal (adj.)]: a1225–1819", "times": [{"id": "timelineRow_49", "starting_time": -23509872000000, "starting_ac": "a", "ending_time": -4765132800000, "ending_ac": ""}]}]